Over the past 8 years or so, I’ve been strangely fascinated with weather. I’m not sure exactly why. I think it started – or at least stems – from when I used to follow all the models and independent meteorologist sources. It was thrilling. Reading all of the posts on the Accuweather forums for the major storms and smashing the refresh button hoping for something new. Over the years I started to get familiar with the patterns, the terminology and how to read it. Those were some of the most fun nights of my life. I still have a livestream I did of Winter Storm Stella back in 2018. YouTube shitcanned it and it’s no longer publicly viewable since I used copyrighted music during the stream. I remember watching all the local posts while watching the storm come through. It was not always the most accurate, but fun none the less!
While I haven’t followed a storm like that since Stella, I have dabbled here and there. I particularly love hurricane season. I follow the awesome dudes from the Hurricane Track storm chasers. Each year they setup GoPros on poles where a storm is projected to hit and they stream it live over the internet. I cannot tell you how many nights I’ve stayed up glued to my TV watching these or the chasers driving in their vans around the area. There is something about it that just excites me.
I don’t want snow this year, but I wouldn’t be opposed to getting into the communal hype train while tracking the models all day. I guess only time will tell!